I am a Reflection of YOUR Joy… Just Magnified

There are two meta-attitudes that can significantly increase your happiness score. The first is gratitude. The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see. Before you practice gratitude, you are in the dark and there appears to be very little to be grateful for. Once you begin, a new light dawns, sometimes a brilliant light, a light as bright as heaven itself. Gratitude changes your brain; and it changes the world. The more you practice gratitude, the more you will find to be grateful for. -Dr. Robert Holden

This is a humble note of thanks and gratitude. I am a Chief Joy Connector because people allow me to assist them in their process. I am a FastGirl because I accepted the invitation and stayed the course. I am “loser” because I have tried and failed numerous things and keep going for “it.” I have embarked on a journey to Be the Expert that took me deeper into my joy (I did not realize that was possible), and out of that my cyber presence was borne. You can find me, Joyous Ocean, on the internet in various forms. I have 2 blogs (INjoy! and Thinking N Other Peculiar Habits), I comment on various websites (Oprah, Huffington Post, CNN, Uptown Magazine, etc.), and have a monthly newsletter (next one coming out soon click here to sign up). I have wonderful readers like you that comment on my blogs or email your personal comments to me.

I have been humbled, shocked and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love for how much I have assisted some of you with my posts or articles. Thank YOU. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Dank u. Gracias. Spasibo. Merci. Hvala. Jerejef. Dua Netjer en etj. Obrigado. Arigato. Medase. (I have tried to say thank you in at least one of the languages spoken in the countries where my blog is read.) It has been my sincere honor and pleasure to serve you and grow in the process. I sincerely hope you shower yourself with all the kind words you have bestowed on me and my family.

“Gratitude is one of the least articulate of the emotions, especially when it is deep.” –Felix Frankfurter

You might not always feel like this but I am a reflection of YOUR joy, just magnified. As a people, we tend to reflect what is around us. I CHOOSE to reflect all of the JOY I see feel and imagine. Thank you for allowing me to BE a joyous ocean that reflects the best in YOU. I am happy, healthy and grateful.

All three of my children are home (HOORAY) and I am going to unplug for a bit and just BE. I hope you do the same. Until my next post, may all your days be happy healthy holy and JOY-filled.



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