"It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.” – Sally Field

"It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.” – Sally Field

I read that quote on October 23rd, 2000 and reflected on how much that was me. I emailed it to a good friend and said, “Is that me or what??!!!”

Loving friend that he was, he replied, “Yes it is ... but just as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly you are in transformation getting more beautiful every day.”

Wow. When I read that then and when I read it today, my life flashed before my eyes. In October of 2000 I was in my house in Manhattan with a tenant and a live-in child care provider for my daughter and dating a man who loved and supported me unconditionally.

In September 1998, when I asked my husband to leave. We were living in a SMALL New York City 1-bedroom apartment with 2 children. Our refrigerator was in the living room. We spent more on childcare that we did on rent. NO joke.

I was constantly sad but in true Aries form, I was a highly productive depressed person. I did not know I was depressed. When I married my husband in 1995, I meant until death do us part when I said it. But just one month prior to asking him to leave, I sat in the bathroom tub with a pillow crying. I had been abused and neglected. I saw clearly that my spirit was withering. I was slowly dying and I was not willing to let that happen. When I had said, until death do us part, I had not realized the untimely death would be mine if I did not choose myself over the marriage. I did not want to be separated. I did not want to be a single parent. I did not want to be a statistic. I had judged myself and was overly concerned about what others would say. My death was not an option and although I could not see or feel my happiness, I knew I had to move in a different direction.  

I had 2 young children to care for and aggressive corporate career. How could I do this?

"If you want to work on your art, work on your life." -Anton Chekhov

With a LOT of help and guidance, my art became my life. I acted like I was happy until I became happy. I closed and moved into my house in March of 1999, there I spread my wings and healed. I changed jobs, I got therapy. I founded the Full Moon Gatherings in October 1999 (it is still going strong). I created the experiences that would support the life I was artfully creating. My life was a beautiful dance that I masterfully choreographed out of necessity. So yes…

"It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.” – Sally Field

I get what Sally Field is saying. Cause it took ME a long to see myself through my eyes without judgment, to see myself through my eyes with pride, love and acceptance.

Now ask yourself:

Do I judge myself through other's eyes? How do I feel about my answer?

Judgment is a closed state of mental and emotional being that blocks your ability connect to your joy and live fully. There is no right, no wrong, there is just what is.

Step fully into your life. May joy be your weapon.

I am thankfully living my life


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